Investing in Youth #4 – Yackandandah Primary School 2024

One of our proudest partnerships kicked off all the way back in 2013. It’s with Yackandandah Primary School and it now enters it’s 12th year with 6 eager new announcers ready to roll.

This year we have Year 5 students Grace, Hunter, Lenny, Max, Peter and Raff on board.

You can tune in to catch them from 4-5pm on Wednesdays and Fridays via our website audio player or on the 88.0 FM dial in Beechworth, Kiewa-Tangam and Yackandandah.

They bring news from their community, from the school and also insights into their personal lives such as activties they enjoy on weekends or after school. And of course musical choices!

2024’s intake are once again trained and overseen by Angela Bishop and Scott Landells.

“We’re very excited by this year’s group of students who have shown an eagerness to explore this unique radio opportunity. Our Friday afternoon trio – Raff, Peter and Hunter hit the airwaves in mid-April with a surprising level of confidence and fun ideas”, said Landells.

“Our Wednesday trio – Max, Lenny and Grace – came together as a pair with Max and Lenny initially training together. They were then joined by Grace in early May. Grace and Max did that show as Lenny was unwell. Now the trio are ready to roll from hereon in.”

As part of their training, the students are taught how to prepare a one hour show, from choosing the music, to deciding on discussion topics and then blending those two elements together.

You can take a listen to the podcasts available below or tune in on Wednesdays and Fridays from 4-5pm.

Recent podcasts are here:

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