Banned, for over a decade now, Melbourne-based outfit Danny Walsh Banned have been tearing apart the Victorian live music scene with their blistering concoction of psych, swamp-rock, country, blues and vintage rock’n’roll sounds.
Other Side of the Mountain – Suzannah Espie – Chris Altmann (Que Paso) (Released 2012)
This song is a beauty for many reasons. Around ten years ago I became mates with Chris Altmann and his wife Alysha, and soon thereafter, my wife-to be Emma. We used to make up cocktails at their home bar, listen to records ‘til the sun came up, sing out of tune (probably me, not Chris) around the piano and danced like hippies in the film clip for this song – Other Side of the Mountain. Its gospel essence and sanguine sentiment clearly made it perfect for the amazing Suzannah Espie to cover it and lordy check out this live version, accompanied by Liz Stringer and Chris himself on my favourite instrument, the mandolin.
Dan Kelly – On the Run (Released 2015)
Around 5 years ago I made it to Dan’s launch of his ‘Leisure Panic!’ album at the Gaso, just in time for the last song (whoops!) but bought the vinyl which became the soundtrack to our summer at home. We endured a complicated birth of our first daughter at the time and having this record on rotation seemed to keep everything cruisin’ along – with its sunshiny vibes and feeling of escape from being hypnotised by the 9 min opening jam ‘On the Run’.
Lonely Boys – The Hunter (Released 2017)
A couple of years back I visited my sister who was living at the time in Katherine where I discovered several bands from the Top End – such as the awesome Mambali who performed at the Junk Arts Festival we helped set-up for – and the Lonely Boys from the remote community of Ngukurr where we ended up experiencing life there for a few days.
I enjoy cranking this desert reggae-rocker up and imagining things up North in the bush, so far from suburban Melbourne. Sadly, I recently read their lead guitarist was killed in a road accident near the community.
Danny Walsh Banned – Rakin’ It In
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