Fave Aussie Songs Since 2010 Poll : Raised By Eagles – Luke Sinclair



Luke from Raised By Eagles nominates his 3 of his Fave Australian Songs from the past 10 years.


Laura Jean – Girls On The TV
Such a beautiful story about girls growing up through all the shit girls have to go through. Pressure from sleazey men, body dismorphia, comparison, cocaine and struggles with self-worth. There’s a real strength but also sense of sadness in it. And a kick-ass melody!


Long Shot – Broads
Another incredible female act out of Melbourne. This song is packed full of stark imagery and dreamscape skylines. It’s a cinematic masterpiece from one of the finest albums (Stay Connected) I’ve heard in years.


Lost Ragas – Song for Dale
Everything from this band is worthy of any ‘best-of’ list going around. But this song (about 70’s motorcycle dare devil, Dale Bugggins) has one of the best opening lines of any song, anywhere, any time. Immediately sets the scene and draws you into the story. Amazing song, amazing album, incredible band.


Raised By Eagles – Night Wheels

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