Our latest playlist has launched in recent days at each site. It has 600 songs with 60% Australian content and features music from many of the artists from both upcoming and recent Music Festivals throughout the region as well as a number of live to air performances.
This Playlist will run through the first half of 2019 and is quite likely our most diverse playlist to date. The 600 songs are provided by 550 different musical artists.
Big thanks to all our contributors. On this occasion we had members and presenters from each of our Beechworth, Chiltern, Tangambalanga and Yackandandah sites contribute.
n a few weeks we will record a two hour preview of the playlist to go to air at each site which will be available as a podcast.
To view what is on our playlist click here
Current playlist is a great balance of classic old & was he new 🙂 I appreciate the live drop in artists who add the X factor.
Would love to hear some 60’s folk rock / Psychedelic rock in the next playlist like The Byrds.
Thanks Si. We’re composing the next Playlist now and will keep that in mind. It’s a maximum of 2 songs per artist so we’ll see if we can squeeze in a couple by The Byrds.