It’s that time of the year when we say thanks for your support throughout the year. And feel free to tune in any time to our FM sites or to our online radio station or a podcast. There are a heap of them and they can be found here. This article explains a bit about what you might stumble across.
2021 was another very busy year. Like everyone more Covid-adjustments on the run. We did manage to increase our number of presenters as well as our membership. Our podcasts also kicked a lot of goals both in terms of volume and weekly rankings which we have done now year on year for the past 6 years. We also settled in our Internet Radio Station. And a new studio in Tangambalanga.
2022 sees live streaming as our main goal – which our web designer is working on as we speak.
We have purchased a Rodecaster PRO courtesy of an Indigo Shire Community Grant. Inspired by the amazing programs from the Yackandandah Primary School students in 2021, our plan is to use this “mobile studio” to establish regular programs with Osbornes Flat Primary School and Wooragee Primary School as well as local Landcare groups. And we’re planning on adding Pirmary Schools in Beechworth and Tangambalanga to the mix also.
Xmas Playlist On Air Now!
This week we have switched across to a Xmas Playlist of around 250 songs that will run for around the next week. It’s on air now at each site as well as on our Internet Radio Stream. You can view it here Xmas Playlist 2021
It was largely put together by our Tech-Programming Sub-Committee. We decided to opt against Christmas Carols and instead go for the many fun and quirky songs that have been written and recorded about Christmas over the years.
Many presenters will also be re-charging their batteries although a few will opt to continue through the festive season.
Our volunteer admin team will be taking a well-earned official break from 24 Dec – 4 Jan, back on deck on Wednesday 5 Jan. We’ll catch you then, all set for a big 2022.
Wishing you an enjoyable, safe and relaxing Festive Season